Λίγες μέρες πριν το ΔΣ του ΙΕΠ, υιοθετήσει νέα εισήγηση οδηγιών διδασκαλίας για το δημοτικό, απορρίπτοντας την εισαγωγή της διδασκαλίας της υπολογιστικής σκέψης στο δημοτικό, η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή - διαμέσου του European Schoolnet, έγραφε στην περίληψη της σχετικής έκθεσης:
In the past decade, Computational Thinking (CT) and related concepts (e.g. coding, programing, algorithmic thinking) have received increasing attention in the educational field. This has given rise to a large amount of academic and grey literature, and also numerous public and private implementation initiatives.
Despite this widespread interest, successful CT integration in compulsory education still faces unresolved issues and challenges......
In the past decade, Computational Thinking (CT) and related concepts (e.g. coding, programing, algorithmic thinking) have received increasing attention in the educational field. This has given rise to a large amount of academic and grey literature, and also numerous public and private implementation initiatives.
Despite this widespread interest, successful CT integration in compulsory education still faces unresolved issues and challenges......
Η τελευταία πρόταση προφανώς αναφέρεται σε απόψεις και νοοτροπίες που δεν μπορούν να αντιληφθούν τι συμβαίνει γύρω μας.
Σελίδα 30: Similarly, Greece is also currently planning to include CT in primary and secondary education curricula. A recent report, prepared by the Committee of Continuous Educational Affairs of the Greek Parliament and published in May 2016, suggests including CT in the curriculum as a short-term priority [23]. It also suggests implementation from the first year of primary to final year of secondary school, although the actual scope of the implementation has not yet been decided.